
Show Notes-Episode #028

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There is a big trend going on now for Tiny Homes. Many people have been buying really small houses, and renting tiny apartments as well. There are TV shows and youtubers that discuss them. Everyone seems to be in the market for a Tiny House. I had always thought that it didn't make sense to buy a Tiny House. Who wants to get rid of most of their belongings to squeeze into a space that is often just as small as a bedroom. 200 or 300 square feet is not much. I couldn't imagine living in one. Until I started imagining living in one! Now, I'm not saying I'm going to buy one, but I can see the appeal now. Many of these homes cost $20k, $30k, or around there.…
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Show Notes-Episode #027

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Lately, there has been a lot of news about Britney Spears. We have seen that she is fighting to remove her father from the conservatorship he was able to establish for her 13 years ago. But is it really necessary, and does he deserve to be there? In this episode I discuss whether or not a conservatorship is the right vehicle to solve Britney's problems. After all, many celebrities struggle with mental health and substance abuse issues, yet they have been left to their own devices. The real question for me is, does she need such a restrictive legal guardianship in place, or are there other ways to help her and allow her to keep her autonomy? I can't imagine having to ask permission to even have a child or…
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Show Notes-Episode #025

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There have been recent articles and news reports about the 996 work culture in China. Apparently, people are working from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. Without any overtime pay! In fact, they are often expected to be on 24 hour call! It's pretty bad. There is no way this type of schedule can be sustainable. I know there are a lot of people that work more than 40 jours a week, which is the standard in the U.S. There are jobs like healthcare, police, laywers, etc, where working longer hours may be required. But it seems that it is becoming more and more the norm, not the exception. But working yourself to death is no way to live. In Korea, delivery drivers are dying on the job because…
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Show Notes-Episode #024

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Sometimes we say things that we really shouldn't. What I mean by that is, we say mean things, we make jokes about people, we talk behind their backs and we put negative messages out in the world. We do all this without realizing the impact these things will have on others. In this episode I talk about how our words have power. And that is not always a positive thing. Once you put something out in the world, you can't always just take it back like it didn't happen. I think that with the vitriol in politics and the abundance of cruelty we find on the internet, we have forgotten how to be kind to each other. Let's take a few steps back and think about what we are saying…
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