
Extreme Weather – What Is Happening?!

Lately we have been experiencing some extreme weather patterns across the globe. From droughts, to floods to extremely high temperatures, things have been a bit out of whack! But do we know what is causing it? I think we do, but we aren't all on the same page.  Previous Episodes:
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Life Imitating Art In Movies #121

Have you ever noticed that some of the things happening to us in our world today seem to be straight out of a movie? Well, I have. From plagues to modern technology, everything seems to have been predicted by Hollywood. So why are we not prepared?? In this episode I talk about a few examples of how our everyday lives were forshadowed by some of our favorite movies. And in some cases, the government should have paid the price of admission so we would be ready!! You can find past episodes here:
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Surg Tech Training – Lap Chole #120

As I was cleaning up a bit, I came across my little notebook from when I trained to be a Surgical Technologist. So, I decided to share my notes on one of the procedures-a laproscopic cholecystectomy. If you'd like to hear a little bit about the surgical procedure and some of the instruments, then you definitely want to tune in. Especially if you want to find out whyI compare it to marbles!! Pat episodes can be found here:
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Let’s See If I Would Survive A Zombie Apocolypse #119

There are all kinds of natural disasters that we need to be prepared for these days-earthquakes, floods, forest fires. But are we equally prepared to survive a zombie apocolypse? I decided to take a quiz and find out if I would survive in an actual zombie apocolypse. You might be surpised by some of my answers. Then again, if you know me, you might know exactly what I would say or do! Listen along and see if you would make the same choices! Have you missed any episodes? You can find them here:
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Colonoscopy-A Necessary Evil #118

Recently I experienced the one thing that everyone has to do but dreads-a colonoscopy! It is a very necessary procedure that no one likes. So, in this episode I share a little of my experience to help you get through it when it's your turn. Or, if you have had one already, to commiserate with you! Because there really isn't any other way to describe the experience besides evil, lol! Missed an episode? Listen here:
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Snow White Remake Already Causing Controversy #117

Recently, Disney announced a live action remake of Snow White. While that may sound appealing to some fans, there is already a whole lot of controversy surrounding choices that are being made in the new production. Personally, I'm not a big fan of remakes anyway, but with the changes I'm hearing about I'm really not feeling confident that this remake will be successful. Listen along and see if you agree! You can find past episodes here:
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Birds Have A Grudge Against Me! #116

Ok, I am beginning to feel like birds are targeting me to do their business, and I don't know why??? I guess more specifically my car, but still I feel like they have some kind of grudge against me! When you hear the details, I think you'll agree! Or maybe I'm just a little coo-coo! Let me know what you think, and always look up! Missed an episode? Find it here:
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Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action #115

Well, it seems that the U.S. Supreme Court strikes again. This time, they have basically overturned Affirmative Action. Who know's what's next-gay marriage? Maybe the Civil Rights Act? Some of you may think I'm exaggerating, but I don't think so. In this episode I talk alittle about this case and the repurcussions that will follow. It's not a good time to be a minority in America. Part episodes can be found here:
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Fentanyl Crisis-Going After The Users #114

These days there is a huge crisis raging through the country, and that's the fentanyl crisis. People are dying atalarming rates from this dangerous drug, and states are enacting new laws to combat it. What are their bright ideas? To charge drug users with murder. In this episode I get into this topic and explain why I think that is a losing proposition. See if you agree. If you missed previous episodes, you can find them here:
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Crazy News The Last Few Days! #113

Well, there has been some really crazy news happening out there lately! So much so, that I decided to make this short update about two items. The first is the second indictment of former President Donald Trump. Now, you may be happy or angry about it, but I think we should all be up in arms, and in the episode I tell you why. I also talk about the crazy collapse of I95 down in Philadelphia. That is gonna be a nightmare, but I feel like we aren't asking the right questions. Join me and see if you agree! Previous episodes:
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