Cash Budgeting #042

One of the resolutions many people made this year was to follow a budget. There are so many youtube videos out there involving one type in particular: cash budgeting. I am familiar with the concept, and I even dipped my toe into the cash envelope system pool once, but I'm not really sure if this is the best way to go. Listen in to this episode as I to a very brief pro/con list of cash budgeting, and let me know if it works for you!
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A New Year and New Resolutions #041

#041 Welcome to 2022! Last year was a doozie and this year isn't off to a great start, but at least we are all here! One thing that always comes with new years are new resolutions. We always want to make changes for the positive but we don't always follow through. In this episode I talk a little about resolutions, and what I think could help us all to be more successful with them this year. Listen in!
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Goodbye to 2021! #040

Well, another year has come and gone, and so many things have happened! Now that we are getting ready to say goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022, we can look back and see a lot of things we don't want to bring with us! A new variant of the coronavirus, the Capitol riots, fighting over vaccine mandates, and violent deaths on the rise. In the new year, let's hope for better health, and end to the pandemic, job growth, and a little exercise somewhere in between, lol!
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Fast Food Drive Thru #039

The biggest pet peeve I have involves my experiences with drive thru at a fast food restaurant. If you have ever ordered at the drive thru window, asked for something, like no cheese, extra pickles, etc., only to find out later that's not what they gave you, then you'll relate to this episode! Join me in asking fast food workers to please, just give us what we ordered! Lol!
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Joining the Peloton Nation #038

After many years of back and forth, I finally committed to joining the Peloton Nation. And so far, aside from a sore backside, I haven't regretted it! In this episode I talk about why I am prepared to put myself through the torture of spinning, at home, with a Peloton. I know exercise is a necessary evil, but I could seriously do without it! Regardless, I'm in it for the long haul now! Listen in as I discuss why I think everyone is obsessed with this bike and let me know if you agree!
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Squid Game-Didn’t See That Coming #035

The new hot series Squid Game from Netflix is amazing! And I can't say enough about it! If you don't want spoilers, then you should skip this episode. Otherwise join me as I talk about what happens and what I think could happen if there is a Season 2. Which, there definitely needs to be!! Listen to other episodes of Statements of Opinion here:
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