Stop Scaring Me! #102

There is a phenomenon known as jump scares in previews and commercials for scary movies. It's when advertisements often use sudden loud noises, startling images, or unexpected appearances to grab people's attention and create a sense of tension or fear. But I just refer to it as scaring the living daylights out of me! And it's so wrong! In this episode I talk about why I hate it, and how I wish movie makers would stop doing it! Listen in and see if you agree! Make sure you listen to past episodes by clicking here:
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Book To Movie Adaptation Failures #101

I love a good movie! I also love a good Book! So what could be better than a good book to movie adaptation? Well, unfortunataley they are not all good. Book to movie adaptations have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, not all adaptations are successful, and some fail to capture the essence of the source material, disappointing fans of the books. I decided to look at a few examples of these ambitious projects that didn't quite live up to expectations. See if you agree! Check out past episodes here:
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100 Episodes! #100

Woohoo, it's time to celebrate the 100th episode of Statements of Opinion! This is a remarkable achievement and I can only thank you, the listeners, for tuning in each week! I still enjoy creating new episodes, and I can't wait to create 100 more! So enjoy my brief stroll down memory lane and here's to many more successful episodes in the future! Listen to all 99 past episodes here:
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Latchkey Kids #099

These days, with more and more parents having to go back to work and with the cost of child care skyrocketing. we are seeing a return of the latchkey kid.  Having to come home before your parents get home from work means kids are alone for a few hours each day. The question that arises, is it ok, or is it neglect? Listen to the newest episode and see where I stand. You might be surprised. Or if you really know me, you probably won't!
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Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay! #098

You may have heard the recent news that Lady Gaga, an extremely popular and talented singer, is being sued by a woman who turned in two dogs that were basically kidnapped from Lady Gaga's assistant. The reward was never paid and so the woman is suing for over $500,000. But here in lies the rub: The woman was involved in the kidnapping incident to point that she pleaded no contest last month! This is one of the craziest cases of greed I've ever heard! Who says crime doesn't pay! Listen to all previous episodes here:
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Passwordgate With Jen #097

Well it seems that Netflix has created quite the uproar with new rules surrounding password sharing. Pretty soon no one will be able to share their Netflix account with anyone who lives outside of your primary household. So, I invited my sister Jen to join me so we could share our thoughts on passwordgate with you. It's definitely an interesting topic, so enjoy! Listen to all my episodes here:
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Kaleidoscope-A Heist Show With A Twist #096

I recently finished watching a great series on Netflix called Kaleidoscope. It's a show about a heist, but the twist is that each viewer watches the episodes in different orders! There were things I really liked about this show, but definitely some things that I just couldn't get past! Beware, there are a ton of spoilers, so if you haven't seen it yet, you might want to watch it first before listening to this episode! Listen to all of my past episodes here:
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Breastfeeding and Parental Visitation-A Dilemma #095

Breastfeeding is a controversial topic, although it probably shouldn't be. It's a natural thing to feed a baby and there is no shame in it. But one problem that came up in an article...does the mother's right to breastfeed take precedence over the father's visitation rights? In this episode I talk about this, and I know you will have your own opinions about this as well. One thing is for sure, it's likely to keep coming up in this day and age and I doubt that everyone will be able to agree on the solution! Missed and episode? You can find them all here:
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Classified Documents Debacle #094

Classified documents are supposed to be highly sensitive documents that only a very select few have access to and are kept under lock and key at all times. Recently, that doesn't actually seem to be the case. President Trump, President Biden and Vice President Pence have all been found to have classified documents in their possession when they shouldn't be. Most people are focused on shaming the other party for being worse at it. But the real problem is that our classified documents aren't secure. And there don't seem to be any checks and balances in place to protect them. I talk about it this week, so listen and drop a comment! You can listen to all my past episodes here:
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Hilaria Baldwin Lies Continue #093

It would seem that Hilaria Baldwin does not know how to leave well enough alone. Recently she was interviewed, and she was using a Spanish accent. Now, in case you forgot, she used to claim she was from Spain, as in born there. And her lies were revealed; she's as American as Apple Pie!!. So, in this episode I discuss the difference between cultural appreciation and appropriation. A difference that is still eluding Hilaria! Listen to all of my episodes here:
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